
Results 22 issues of sandric

Hi, I kinda new to touch panels world, is there was any tests for GT92* chips? I'm looking into playing with touch panel in my project, I wonder if...

I having trouble understanding pretty basic thing as I think - how to add or remove options to/from select? In one issue I found `triggerEvent(this.passedElement, 'addItem', params)` line for addition,...

I want to draw 640x320 display while also monitoring capacitive touch panel every ~5ms via i2c, so I tried to elaborate on `flash-stream` example, but failed just to print out...

Hi. I want to implement behavior similar to mine under vim, where all basic info was below the main frame, like modes, position in file, changes, and above the frame...

I mean is there any way of copying some text from inside of vim and then copy it somewhere else in computer with command-V? Thanks.

Is there a way to use gem with rails 5?

Hi, I have 100% similar issue as described [here](, I wonder if it was resolved?

Having this exception after installing and adding config for development as in readme: ``` #

What should be the package name while requiring git dependency in code? For example here is my code of project.clj: ``` clojure :plugins [[lein-git-deps "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"]] :git-dependencies [[""]] :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]])...

Or at least folder with stub handler function/empty model? I'm asking because I am new to clojure webstack and don't really know if http-kit mvc or vc architecture? There rdbc...