
Results 23 comments of sandric

Wasn't this issue resolved? Looks like I have tried all the variants, here's my fzf-related config in init.el: ``` (use-package fzf :ensure t :config (progn (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.fzf/bin/fzf") (defadvice fzf/start...

Ok, looks like I figured out the problem in my case - maybe it will be helpful somebody with similar setup. My issue was somehow related to tabbar - when...

Sorry, I just realized - I ment not the built one tabbar, but [tabbar.el](

@SteveJobzniak you can try to run `fzf` with `--margin 1,0` param - it helped me. Looks like bottom margin needs to be set in order cursor not to move up.

I actually was thinking to make ivy counsel function for fzf, but I havent figured out best way to do that.

Yes, I experience the same.

Don't really know what's the issue is.. Its a little bit problematic for me to test it - I just tried to check whether sso is working on my newly...

Guys, I'm actually so embarrassed that I don't remember that code anymore, because I didn't used it quite a while... But recently I saw some pull request and it looks...

Yes, I can approve that - `robe-start` hangs emacs for me for like 5 seconds, I assume its loading environment to pry console.

Ok thanks.