Sam Winslow
Sam Winslow
I'd also like to mention that, if we build this, the UI of #7511 should be updated to indicate where the current month's usage stands in relation to that cap.
I'd be keen to work on this and #7083 if we think it's a priority. Support requests come in about this sort of thing quite often. Cc @paolodamico @kpthatsme
Hi @wundo — just wanted to confirm that you're running the latest version of `posthog-js`? #269 should have implemented an upstream fix by updating `rrweb`.
Hi there, just following up on this as we have some customers wondering why their data is not being properly ingested into PostHog via RudderStack. This PR should solve an...
Awesome. I am taking a similar approach to auth and also use React Native, so this was helpful. 👍 Looking toward long-term solutions, it appears `compileForDeno` includes a `Buffer` polyfill:...
Progress! Maybe there's a less hacky way to do this with Metro or Babel config, but I resolved Buffer by creating a custom app entrypoint (referenced via `main` in package.json):...
I ran into this issue (on MacOS) even though I provided a path to `edgedb-server` with `EDGEDB_SERVER_BIN`. On MacOS, it seems the default location is `~/Library/Application Support/edgedb/portable/2.0/bin/edgedb-server`, and the space...
Hello @Sytten, fancy seeing you here 😄 I wondered if you were eventually able to connect to the admin APIs. So far, I've tried getting into the Kratos pod with...