Results 7 issues of samwhelp

When Use IE IE Version: 8.0.7600.16385 Flash Player Version: # Will Cause This Error! 訊息: 物件不支援此屬性或方法 行: 48 字元: 3 程式碼: 0 # URI: But Firefox &...

### Environment - OS: - [x] Linux (Ubuntu) - [] macOS - [] Windows - [] FreeBSD - Vim: - [x] Terminal Vim - [] GVim - [x] NeoVim **Put...


## Change Log * change **plug.vim** file path to **~/.cache/space-vim/site/autoload/plug.vim** * change **plugin** dir path to **~/.cache/space-vim/plug** ## Prototype Sample * [svim]( * [mvim](

## Description `index.theme / theme name` not match `theme folder name` **Not Match** Example File: `Catppuccin-GTK-Theme/themes/Catppuccin-Frappe-B/index.theme` ``` ini [Desktop Entry] Type=X-GNOME-Metatheme Name=Catppuccin-Mocha Comment=An Flat Gtk+ theme based on Elegant Design...

## Description After fix [Issue #15 ]( On Mate Desktop, Use **mate-appearance-properties**, Catppuccin-Frappe-BL and Catppuccin-Frappe-B-LB Window Decoration is Wrong. ## On Xfce Desktop > Right | Theme | Display |...

# Theme name not match Fix [index.theme] for [mate desktop / appearance preferences (mate-appearance-properties)] not work. ## mate-appearance-properties * *

I don't have account on Gitea, so i write here. I create a [sample]( for explaining this feature. > Drag window to move, **when window maximized**. ## mabox / adjustment...