Results 4 comments of samwhelp

And All ShowCase Error Occur On the Same Line # 訊息: 物件不支援此屬性或方法 行: 48 字元: 3 程式碼: 0 # URI: 訊息: 物件不支援此屬性或方法 行: 48 字元: 3 程式碼: 0 URI:...

I found Error Occur ExternalInterface.addCallback('stop', xStop); If Commnet this line, the error msg would not occur! //ExternalInterface.addCallback('stop', xStop); But I Still not Know Why?

I Fix ExternalInterface.addCallback('stop', xStop); To ExternalInterface.addCallback('toStop', xStop); The Error Would not Occur! :-) But Still Fix javasciprt code about (stop) 。

今天加入兩組便利操作的按鍵設定 * [Window Resize]( * [Save]( 提供參考 報告完畢 :-)