Spencer Childress
Spencer Childress
#123 might be related. I'm running the build script in [this repo](https://github.com/RhoInc/query-overview) and LivePage'ing [this .html file](https://github.com/RhoInc/query-overview/blob/master/build/test-page/index.html) locally. Some changes trigger page reload, some don't, like a simple `console.log()`.
Just started running into this with Chrome 64. The stylesheet in question is this one: https://rawgit.com/RhoInc/Webcharts/master/css/webcharts.css. It's being pulled into a simple index.html file and loaded on a dev server....
Per @nandriychuk, the issue arises when `groupCols = false`, `totalCol = true`, and `variables.group` has only one level. The total column is not rendered, resulting in a table with only...
How should we retain group levels?
Related to #254. Currently all options in multi-select filter dropdowns are not `selected` even though the corresponding filter values are represented in the data.