Samson Amaugo

Results 28 comments of Samson Amaugo

> ## Public review of the doc build: > * download the [HTML files]( > * unzip > * view HTML file in a browser. > * For links outside...

> > Should I leave the it is since you explained why in the post? > > No, do a PR and create a 3rd controller named `Values3Controller`. After...


> > > 2 controllers, one file. Put the 3rd controller in the same file. Ooh I need to pull, I don't have this locally 😅

> > Ooh I need to pull, I don't have this locally 😅 > > Never do a PR from your old branch. Sure thanks

Would work on this @Rick-Anderson

@Rick-Anderson for some reason the `problemDetailsService.WriteAsync(new { HttpContext = httpContext });` doesn't accept an anonymous type as they said in the docs and it also doesn't resolve a `ProblemDetailsContext` class...

This code below raises the error `if (context.RequestServices.GetService() is { } problemDetailsService) { problemDetailsService.WriteAsync((new { HttpContext = context });); }` The error I get is : `Argument 1: cannot convert...

ooh sorry, this actually `problemDetailsService.WriteAsync(new { HttpContext = context });`

I'm using this @brunolins16 `Version: 7.0.100-preview.7.22377.5`