Hi, I was running the following command having completed training steps as per tutorial `funannotate update -i BALBie_ragtag_train --cpus 40` I then received the following output: ``` [Dec 21...
Hi, Many thanks for making this package available! I had an error as part of the funannotate predict step - it appears to be one that is mentioned in a...
Hi is there a way you can share the predictions from this model, git lfs is saying you are over your quota. Very grateful for your help with this. Kind...
Thanks for much for your work in preparing this repository, it is an incredibly helpful resource. I was wondering whether you (or anyone reading) has experience combining this workflow with...
Hi, Many thanks for making all code and data available. I am very keen to access this file ( reflecting the SV calls from the related subjects in 1000 Genomes....
Hi, I am wondering if there is any way to generate phylogenetic trees using amino acid alignment data (cf. DNA alignment data). I.e. with the TREE command. BW, Sam Kleeman.