Results 9 issues of Sam

Currently the default SCEditor BBCode handlers throw away any attributes they don't understand. Instead they should just treat them the same way as the editor treats unknown BBCodes and just...


Will move inserted inline nodes at the start of end or the input into the start/end containers. For example, Inserting: ```html foo ``` into: ```html |texttext| ``` will now become:...


Add automatic colour option to colour command as suggested in #329. This depends on adding new styling APIs (#538).


Makes drop-down menus smart. If they take up more space than is available below the menu item and there is enough space above, they will open upwards. If there isn't...


Remove the compatibility plugin for version 1 as shouldn't be needed anymore.


Add methods to the selection API to make it easier to add/remove styles and classes to the current selection. Something like: ``` js addClass(className) removeClass(className) hasClass(className) addStyle(propertyName, value) removeStyle(propertyName) hasStyle(propertyName,...


Look into creating BBCode dialects to make it easier to use the editor with things like phpBB, SMF, MyBB, etc. That way users could include the editor and the right...


Update all dependencies to the latest versions. The `grunt-contrib-qunit` update required quite a few changes to get working but should now work with M1 Macs.


Moves the libraries used for testing into the `devDependencies` which is a more appropriate location for them. This also removes the `sinon-qunit` library which isn't required by the code.