Submitting Author Name: Salvador Fernández Bejarano Submitting Author Github Handle: @salvafern Other Package Authors Github handles: (comma separated, delete if none) @lottepohl Repository: Version submitted: Submission type: Standard Editor:...
Hello there :wave: I have generated a [codemeta]( file based on `pom.xml` using [codemetapy]( as ```bash $ codemetapy pom.xml > codemeta.json ``` We are using codemeta files in the [Jerico](
Hello there! 👋 An issue I have faced using ows4R is that CQL/OGC (or viewParams via vendor params) **filters fail if you try to perform a spatial query with a...
Hi @eblondel , I have been giving a try to `ows4r` to query biological occurrence data from EMODnet-Biology In this example below, I requested: * Dataset: The CPR survey (
Hi, Apologies if this question has been raised before, I couldn't find a solution. I am performing a GET request of an URL with encoded spaces. I noticed that `curl`...
Hello there :wave: I just noticed there is an incomplete example in the get started vignette: ```r global_search(query, server_list, which_service) #> Error in check_arg(query, "character"): object 'query' not found ```...
@brittlnv noticed that `mr_geo_code()` does not work when performing a search with spaces. I digged in a bit and this seems to be a feature - not a bug -...
Right now we are using Travis-CI to check the package. But the last check was from 2 years ago: We should consider to improve this system: e.g. use GitHub...
Hi there, First thanks for this amazing package! Adding here a solution to a issue I faced while installing. I have been attempting to install the ubuntu dependencies of rayshader...