
Results 4 issues of Eliot

Using [`@next/bundle-analyzer`](https://github.com/zeit/next.js/tree/canary/packages/next-bundle-analyzer) does not work for me with the latest 2.2.0 version of `next-compose-plugins`. It does work with version 1.0.3. I set up a minimal repro repo with 3 branches...

Using pip to install librabbitmq succeeds, but using easy_install or "python setup.py install", fails. My OS is Ubuntu 12.04. I had similar results on Scientific Linux 6. ## pip succeeds...

Got the following error when using with Python 2.6: ImportError: No module named argparse Also got lxml import error

- components: `DropdownMenu` - reactstrap version `9.1.5` - import method `es`? - react version `18.2.0` - bootstrap version `5.2.2` ### What is happening? I'm using a `DropdownMenu` with the `end`...