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Document that Python 2.7+ and lxml are required

Open saltycrane opened this issue 12 years ago • 3 comments

Got the following error when using with Python 2.6:

ImportError: No module named argparse

Also got lxml import error

saltycrane avatar Jun 29 '12 00:06 saltycrane

argparse is actually available as an external package for python2.6. (I am using Python 2.6.7 for some other reasons). I have seen your fork, pleased to see that you're getting serious with jarvis ;-) I saw you first removed osg, there is a kind of display abstraction that could be used to plug different displays, my first display implementation was using curses, so of course without openGL. So I will do some refactoring so people can just use the part they want.

madlag avatar Jun 29 '12 08:06 madlag

That would be great! Could you remove the dependency on Qt also and just display in Emacs? Thanks for the work on this project-- I'm excited about it!

saltycrane avatar Jun 29 '12 16:06 saltycrane

I will try as soon as possible to remove as much dependency as possible, so you can try it, and try to install other stuff afterwards. Just bear with me, it may take me a few days as a CTO at Stupeflix, I have some urgent stuff too ;-)

madlag avatar Jul 03 '12 16:07 madlag