This isn't really an issue with the code, but it does hurt integration with Webpack. Webpack uses their own custom "version" of AMD, which injects a pseudo-object that takes over...
Hi, I've been using the MRAA library with C++, so I have a lot of code that looks like: ```c++ Result result = spi.transfer(msg, resp, 4); if(result != SUCCESS) {...
Your live demo link Doesn't show anything. Links to exported files on in repository are dead links
Take this code: ```c++ #define SOL_ALL_SAFETIES_ON 1 #define SOL_EXCEPTIONS_SAFE_PROPAGATION 1 #include #include #include int make_logic_err() { throw std::logic_error("highly illogical jim"); } int main() { sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); lua["make_logic_err"] = make_logic_err;...
When I create a new project using the RA Smart Configurator with C++ support enabled and the CMake option selected, the resulting CMakeLists.txt looks like this: ``` # You can...