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LAVIS - A One-stop Library for Language-Vision Intelligence

Results 282 LAVIS issues
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Hi, thank you very much for open source. I want to use my own Image and caption, and QA data to fine-tune the BLIP2 data. Should my process be to...

Hello author, in the example/blip2_feature_ectraction.ipynb file, it seems that is not no blip2_feature_extractor model file mentioned in your code. I can't find the model in the model zoo, should I...

Hi, `torch.amp.autocast` is used in the [BLIP2-T5 model](, while this API is added in [PyTorch 1.12.0+]( An updated requirement for the torch version may be needed, not only to solve...


When I try to feed in a `checkpoint_best.pth` from a previous run to resume training from checkpoint, I get an error at this line ( on missing keys in state_dict....


I've been trying to use `transformers` to convert BLIP2 models into compatible format ( and ran into some issues, specifically this commit breaks compatibility between `lavis` and `transformers`. So...

Hi, Thanks for your job. Can you provide the download link for the synthetic data of BLIP-2? How is this data used? Is there a code for it?

Could you release the log of pretraining blip2 of stages 1 and 2? When I tried to retrain the model, the loss seemed difficult to reduce.

How to handle multiple images with Blip2 models? I have a large number of questions which require more than one image to answer for VQA task, like 1 questions vs...

Hi, Thanks a lot for your work on BLIP2! I am using it to fine-tune my own dataset (similar format to COCO) on a 3090 GPU with 24GB memory. However,...