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LAVIS - A One-stop Library for Language-Vision Intelligence

Results 282 LAVIS issues
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I follow the demo and use the features generated by `albef_feature_extraction` to perform zero-shot cross-modal retrieval on MSCOCO. The t2i recall scores are extremely low while that of i2t score...

Thank you LAVIS team for this wonderful repo! It appears that loading blip_classification with model_type='base' throws an error stemming from the configuration files. Is this expected behavior? If so, perhaps...

Hi! I'm trying to the LAVIS repo to pretrain BLIP on my own dataset. I was wondering if there're any plans to integrate some type of tracking tools like wandb...

Hi, I am using LAVIS to train albef model recently, while I find a potential issue. At [here](, we are applying torch DDP to the original model that requires device...

devce -> device


Hello there! First of all: this library is godlike. Thanks for all the effort! Second: can we get LAVIS on the conda-forge channel? It would be awesome for everybody.

Hi, thanks for the amazing work you did with the library! I am currently trying to fine-tune BLIP on a custom dataset. I followed your [tutorial]( on the custom dataset...

Thanks for the great work. I have some questions about the BLIP feature extractor interface. 1. In the example code, you wrote ``` # torch.Size([1, 12, 768]), use features_multimodal[:,0,:] for...


Hi, Congrats on the amazing work!! I plan to fine-tune BLIP for image captioning on a custom dataset. What is the input format of the files and changes required in...

Thanks for the great work! I was trying out BLIP2 feature extractor and ITM. I was wondering if there is a new model_type and name attribute in BLIP 2 for...