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LAVIS - A One-stop Library for Language-Vision Intelligence

Results 282 LAVIS issues
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Thanks for the great work. Will the code related to the following table be open source soon?And does the current code support okvqa finetune? ![image]( Thanks.

Add a image-text generation app for blip2 for better interaction.


should be `torch.autocast()`

Thanks for the great work! I was trying out BLIP2 feature extractor,actually it works. But when i load the model by `load_model_and_preprocess(name="blip2_feature_extractor", model_type="pretrain", is_eval=True, device=device)` There're lots of missing keys....

ViT (if not finetuned) and LLM weights are not stored in the current BLIP2 checkpoints. The default load_checkpoint() in BaseModel raises warning on missing keys, which causes confusion. Proposed solution...


Great work! Thanks for releasing the models, pre-trained checkpoints and examples. I have a couple of questions about the BLIP and BLIP 2 models - I can't clearly find this...

It's a great job indeed. I encountered a downloading issue and I have to run the program on a remote server that cannot connect to the network. When I tried...

When running the examples from the [colab](, they work fine on GPU but I get the following runtime error when trying to run on CPU: ```sh RuntimeError: Input type (torch.FloatTensor)...

Thank you for your fantastic work! Would you release the weights for the BLIP2 ViT-L version?