Results 170 comments of Sagie Gur-Ari

what do you mean crash? the node.js app died with some core dump due to native error? if so, you cant catch it in the js layer.

oh, ok, js err thrown. i guess you don't have a stack trace? you could catch all uncaught exceptions in node.js and log them so you will have a stack...

interesting, i'll take a look but this could happen in many places and lead to strange other issues. so need to be careful.

I don't hide/prevent such setup. i only add more functions to the prototype. so anyone can still set the fetch flags and it should work. if those existed at first...

@ShowmanStone I looked at your explanation. Currently after 'end' event i remove the 'error' listener (for cleanup). After 'end' there shouldn't be anything for that stream, but in your explanation...

thanks for the info. I'm guessing that only frame was in the stream.js?

let me try to see if i can do something....

cool idea. would you like to PR that? also, if you need it for cargo-make, checkout duckscript and [exit_on_error](