Results 170 comments of Sagie Gur-Ari

not sure i want to have recursive on everything. where it makes more sense like copy/move/remove ya, but is path newer feels a bit strange. how about using the glob...

your code is wrong. you don't need to walk and glob both source and target. only source. that makes the code half the size.

but you are comparing EVERY source file with EVERY target file. thats wrong. no way you need to do that. you have src/file1.src src/file2.src target/file1.bin target/file2.bin if you glob on...

again, based on source you create the target files to check. you don't glob. and i think there is no way that every source file needs to be checked against...

you have calc + less/greater/eq commands. isn't it working for your use case?

ya the conditions are a bit basic in their capabilities and duckscript in general has 1 command per 1 line rule. also per the format of output=command args this one:...

can you explain a bit more? maybe put some small example?

makes sense. I would love to be as close (not a must) as possible to the linux zip command. that means for example supporting * multiple paths ```zip target source1...

* compression - ok, so lets expose those as options (--type default/bzip2) * recursive - ya exactly. thats why i'm for recursive by default and i was wondering if i'm...

@Red-Teapot would you like to PR this one or prefer me to do it?