Hey!, when i'm running the simulation in real time, nothing is drawing up but showing **Python quit unexpectedly** error even though log filed created successfully . Command Used: ` sachinsingh$...
We could use [pyqtgraph]( instead of matplotlib . It's not quite as full-featured as matplotlib in some respects, but the plots are amazingly fast, it's quick to get started with,...
@cristobalmedinalopez A quick solution would be to put NODE OUT line in drawing file whenever a peer receives good bye message from the splitter. Also, respond to request message if...
@cristobalmedinalopez, is there any scenario when above solution would fail?
What should we do for following scenario: When peer receives a `request` messaege from removed peer before receiving `good bye` message from the splitter. if we follow this solution: >@cristobalmedinalopez...
>Does that action trigger the writing of a NODE IN line in the drawing file? yes, whenever a peer receives a request message from another peer, and if it is...
> >A quick solution would be to put NODE OUT line in drawing file whenever a peer receives good bye message from the splitter. >You mean it removes itself, isn't...
Even if every peer put NODE OUT on receiving GOODBYE message, even then removed peer may appear in network overlay for a tiny interval of time (like a ghost). Because...
Even checking sender in peer_list before responding to request_chunk message will not work due to above reason.
@cristobalmedinalopez , how should we check if removed peer is in peer_list or not, as we just have a forwarding list? should we check this peer in every forwarding list...