Sachin Guruswamy
Sachin Guruswamy
Sorry was not able to get it to working. looks like there are internal issues on Rtabmap. Need more time to debug. I would be addressing adding other SLAM and...
Thanks @matlabbe
``` # This holds for both images of a stereo pair. float64[12] P # 3x4 row-major matrix ``` From `camera_info` msg. RGB camera is not part of the stereo pair...
we do publish `p` when it is in stereo camera. In this example it is not there because it is aligned with RGB. But I get what you mean. Will...
I didn't get you. Device doesn't have 3 Fov. Can you point me to where you saw that please. Thanks.
Sorry for the trouble. Let me cross-check and get back to you.
Sounds good. Thanks
Do you have OAK-D or OAK-1 ?
Does python depth example works? And if yes can you share the details of which depthai version is used there?
> I went through this tutorial: The only difference was that I had to clone ros2-lux-d-lite_bringup branch of the depthai-core, since the other ros2 branch was not working. Might...