Hi both, thanks for your responses. I am running Magic-BLAST on a High Performance Computing Cluster available at the university where I work. I installed Magic-BLAST as a Conda environment...
Hi @boratyng, The IT dept at the university where I work has suggested that the issue is caused by the fact that magicblast no longer uses ENA sites to get...
Thanks for following up on this @boratyng. The IT department has confirmed that our HPC is already open to download from We have installed the binary version in our...
Hi @boratyng I dont get error messages with the new binary but the sam file has no reads and looks just like this: @HD VN:1.0 GO:query @SQ SN:Bacteroides_salyersiae_XGOsPUL LN:31240 @SQ...
Hi @boratyng As an update, I have downloaded one SRA file and tried to run magicblast with the attached reference file []( ... still no results. the commands I am...