I can't manage to get this working, is there an example about this? Perhaps this is a feature request, but makes sense.
I need to use issue_type of a given id value instead of name, the source code doesn't allow that, how can I achieve it? Example: issue_type: id: '10677'
Often enough to damage business our Zookeper memembers fail with "ERROR Unexpected exception causing shutdown while sock still open (org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.LearnerHandler)", I think it happens on one member and it breaks...
+ helm cm-push --force --timeout 300 service-example-abc-0.1.0-develop-160-760e568.tgz chartmuseum [Pipeline] sh + cat /tmp/shellOutput [Pipeline] echo Debug: helmOutput -> Pushing service-example-abc-0.1.0-160-760e568.tgz to chartmuseum... Error: Post "http://chartmuseum.chartmuseum:8080/api/charts?force": EOF So running around 100+...
Problem - no dependencies and licenses generated or collected on successful run, I have 1 failed dependency retrieving, is it possible that it cancels everything else? I see that exit...
**Describe the bug** When check logs of daemonset I see giving up on read more than 100 MB of data for k8s_replicaset_handler_state while setting metadata_download.max_mb is set to 200 in...
Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver.2.27.0 -> Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver.2.37.0 I couldn't finish the video lesson without modifying this value with current tools versions. The package.config is telling nuget to restore 2.37.0 and the .csproj is telling...