Same issue, I am forced to install git and recreate images to use it? @IdanAdar did you manage to trace which package is having this dependency?
> ## Workaround > Force the ES Version to 7 via --es.version=7 I have tried latest helm operator installation and setting this parameter didn't result in anything better.
@sylvainOL, what is the state of this change, can we say prod backend ES 8 is ok after this if you run it?
> Can you please share the logs from all of the broker and zookeeper pods? @liko9, sorry couldn't get the logs of the case. Today there was a new outage...
Looks like this is fixed in 5.5.1 image, testing.
Update, try to update to 5.5.6, it seems to fix it for us, but I have found on higher version of EKS 1.20 we don't see that much of it...
As of today I sit with ~22 000 charts on LTS same setup, same problems. I did enable statefile to mitigate the ~30 min boot, tried redis (which utterly failed...
[dd.trace 2022-10-07 04:33:41:044 +0000] [StatsD-Processor-1] WARN datadog.communication.monitor.DDAgentStatsDConnection - BufferOverflowException in StatsD client - /var/run/datadog/dsd.socket java.nio.BufferOverflowException: null (Will not log errors for 5 minutes)
There is some disconnection between code and config - for me metadata_download mb setting does nothing and reading the code makes sense it doesn't.
Simple example is definitely needed.