
Results 11 comments of Silent

The turning with the Zoomer is definitely different between framerates. If you set the framerate to 60 and then try drifting in a circle by holding L1/R1 and X, you'll...

At the bottom of settings you can define what's in the top bar by changing Quicksettings List. (for example, I use `sd_model_checkpoint,sd_hypernetwork,CLIP_stop_at_last_layers`) There is no dropdown for VAE as far...

There is an external script for this available here, though I haven't tested it

I'm also seeing this issue with a 3090Ti/24GB. I was able to generate high resolution images with img2img consistently before but now they turn out black most of the time....

It's difficult to test because I don't have access to a Windows 11 PC. There hasn't been an update to 3DMigoto to support Windows 11 so I don't know if...

You can change the tonemapping by changing the settings in Configuration.h and forcing a shader recompile (delete the .bin files).

Yeah. I think having links in the application is good, but it's easy to overlook them. Banner blindness is a common thing even among programmers. For instance, the badge in...

Hi! I wanted to add to this topic to try and contribute some ways of trying to handle this "issue". Recently, I started playing Oblivion again. I tried Oblivion Reloaded...

I think removing the bat files is a bad change. As noted in the OP, bat files have been around for ages. However, that means there is a lot of...

I think this would be a good addition as well. Every so often I see people trying to replicate other people's images using the metadata but getting confused at differences...