Ry Walker
Ry Walker
wow i just got this error in an app (moving an app to 0.8.3) — found link to the temporary fork I made — ha!
@shlomiken are you working with @ashb directly on this issue?
I'd recommend trying Airflow 2 Alpha, where scheduler lag has been decreased significantly. Check out the [alpha announcement on the mailing list](https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/rf34558953ba367561574c194500a34d7f3c21fe2798b173b86fc309c%40%3Cdev.airflow.apache.org%3E). We expect beta in a couple of weeks,...
@tooptoop4 would you test your 200 sequential tasks DAG with Airflow 2 Alpha? Would love to see how close we got to your Luigi numbers. Also would love to chat...
@tooptoop4 can you share details? Would love to have @ashb analyze
FYI we've also made it easy to run Airflow 2 alpha locally using the `astro` CLI. 1. Install the CLI: `curl -sSL https://install.astronomer.io | sudo bash -s -- v0.21.0` 2....
just saw that there was an older unmerged PR, that I just merged in first. Can you review and resolve conflicts, then I'll merge yours in too?
Any plans to release a fixed version?
@ryanahamilton maybe you can look at this one too - quick fix
@ryanahamilton maybe you could fix this