I couldn't run openpose_ros_node_firephinx neither. But I have a different error. $ rosrun openpose_ros_pkg openpose_ros_node_firephinx OpenPose ROS Node [ INFO] [1548343474.741492354]: Initialization Success [ INFO] [1548343474.973164466]: Performing Forward Pass [...
Hello. I am using ROS kinetic.
Yes, I am using his file directory. And the directory I am using is exactly the same as him. Have you installed old version of openpose? When I was using...
It can`t work because of the openpose_ros_node_firephinx's error.
Hello. Opempose_ros_node_firephinx occured error, so I can't detect 2D pose. Left terminal: My camera node Center terminal: openpose_ros_node Right terminal: openpose_ros_node_firephinx (The last Japanese means "core dump"). ![core dump of...
Sorry for the lack of information. I did $ roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_rgbd.launch $ rosrun openpose_ros_pkg openpose_ros_node $ rosrun openpose_ros_pkg openpose_ros_node_firephinx I downloaded ・openpose , caffe , Pose model(https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose.git) ・openpose_ros(https://github.com/stevenjj/openpose_ros.git) And...
@stevenjj Thank you for helping me. ①I commented out these two lines, openpose_ros_node_firephinx works well! Thank you. cv::imshow("OpenPose ROS", outputImage); cv::waitKey(1); ②openpose_ros_node_firephinx is not necessary to display openpose as you...
@stevenjj I changed to the image topic, there is no error in Rviz. And I understand why openpose_ros_node detect 4 people... It detected from this sample image.It was a simple...