Ryan Wilson

Results 48 comments of Ryan Wilson

Closing for now, will revisit at a later date.

Update: DocC likely isn't necessary for this. ``` # Generate symbol graphs from Swift Package manifest. From the root of the repo: mkdir -p .build/symbol-graphs swift build --target FirebaseMLModelDownloader -Xswiftc...

Thanks for the contribution @a-25. A quick question, did you look into the [`UISceneDidActivateNotification`](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiscenedidactivatenotification?language=objc) at all to see if it could be used instead? Seems like it could be useful...

Apologies for the delay in review, will be getting to it soon! Thanks for the update as well.

One thing to note as well: that step requires that Analytics is included in target. If Analytics is excluded, feel free to skip this step. I was under the impression...

If you set a breakpoint on `FirebaseApp.configure()` does it get called at all? There should definitely be logs from Firebase if that's called, and even if Analytics is included in...

Hi @marian2js, sorry for the troubles. Does *every* prompt cause this, or only specific prompts? If it's a specific prompt, are you able to share the prompt (and system instructions)...

No worries! Out of curiousity, do you run into the same issue if you use `sendMessageStream` instead of `sendMessage`? That could be the difference with AI Studio, where the response...