Ryan Wilson

Results 9 issues of Ryan Wilson

There's no `init` marked as `NS_UNAVAILABLE`, so a bare initializer is currently available in Swift but shouldn't be. https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk/blob/8467858fc4cee858511380ac0f9ea5a17d007b5d/FirebaseDynamicLinks/Sources/Public/FirebaseDynamicLinks/FIRDynamicLink.h#L55-L86 We'll need to determine the right strategy for this: it's a...

api: dynamiclinks
Swift API

https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk/blob/8467858fc4cee858511380ac0f9ea5a17d007b5d/FirebaseInAppMessaging/Swift/Source/SwiftUIPreviewHelpers.swift#L23 😢

api: inappmessaging
Swift API

Currently we use `asl_log` for all logging within `GULLogger`, but it's deprecated. `os_log` was introduced in iOS 10 as a faster and more robust logging solution. We should move to...

type: feature request

I need to do a bit more investigation into this, but I'm fairly certain this function should be deprecated. It accepts an encoder and decoder as parameters but the `Callable`...

api: functions
Swift API

The Firestore sample has a sign in page but doesn't actually validate if a sign in was successful or not - on a project that's misconfigured and has a bad...


This structure made sense before when a notification was fired, but doesn't make sense in the current world. If SDKs need to know the instant an app is configured, they...

api: core
type: cleanup

Search `kFIRAuthErrorMessageSecondFactorRequired` and see all the duplicates (linked below). https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk/blob/0b3bf6124f6f9643b783c9e74aa9d38d7588b1ff/FirebaseAuth/Sources/Utilities/FIRAuthErrorUtils.m#L495-L559

api: auth
type: cleanup

### Description Currently logs from Vertex are tagged with `[GoogleGenerativeAI]` and appear out of sync with other Firebase related logs. E.g. in the simulator I was able to get a...

type: feature request
api: vertexai

Issue templates are populated in the org's repo, github.com/google-gemini/.github. Googlers, see b/339493607 for more info.