Ryan Schlesinger

Results 19 issues of Ryan Schlesinger

I find this incredibly useful to see which things end up set in a given environment.

I've created a simple package manager for spoons based on https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim. I'm looking for feedback on its design and usefulness: https://github.com/ryansch/Packer.spoon

Adds the ability to load a desk into the current shell. Useful for things like tmux where we've already started a new shell. Usage: `eval $(desk load )` Fixes #36

## Why? We have to upgrade mongo because we can't get packages for the _incredibly_ old 2.x series any longer. This is also why I had to drop support for...

Now that multiarch support has landed on master for current stable and future releases, `unifi-rpi` isn't a great name. Options: - `unifi` - `unifi-multiarch` - your suggestion here I'll keep...

In addition to pinning v8 of `elasticsearch-ruby`, there were two other things I had to consider. ES 8 does not allow sending a document type. I followed previous work in...

The way custom formatters work now is a bit wonky. Example Setup: ```ruby Pathname.glob('./lib/appsignal_formatters/*.rb').each do |file| require file end Appsignal::EventFormatter.initialize_formatters # won't work without reinitializing formatters ``` The real issue...


I'm using docker-machine alongside RancherOS instead of boot2docker and everything works great except I'm missing the guest tools. I would expect this plugin to automate that install.

Instead of waiting for the nfs stuff to prompt for sudo (when the user's attention may have wandered while waiting) we should prompt the user early with a no-op sudo...