Ryan Schlesinger
Ryan Schlesinger
Possible implementation: ``` ruby class TimeWithZoneTypecaster def call(value) if value.respond_to? :in_time_zone value.in_time_zone elsif value.respond_to? :to_s Time.zone.parse(value) end end end ```
:+1: I just started implementing this myself only to discover this pull request. This cookbook doesn't work correctly on redhat family distros when running on master.
I believe this has been fixed since the 1.0 release.
It worked as of the 1.1.0 release with capybara 2.1.0. Sounds like we might have a regression.
Not there. Notice how the class inherits from `Capybara::RackTest::Browser`? That should lead you to it.
I'm assuming this broke due to changes in Capybara.
Right they wrote their own browser. Capybara-mechanize is a special kind of racktest driver. I'm interested in that deprecation warning. I'm fairly certain that's the real cause of this issue....
Something strange is going on then. We're using the second stanza in our app right now and we make pretty heavy use of `page.driver.browser.window_handles`.
That's great feedback, thanks!