Ryan Lerch
Ryan Lerch
here is an appdata file for dreampie that could be used. (its licenced cc0, so feel free to use it) https://github.com/hughsie/fedora-appstream/blob/master/appdata-extra/desktop/dreampie.appdata.xml
Okay, so the question on this one is that is this something that we want to allow users to change self-service? I'm leaning towards not being self-service.
A question here too for people that regularly add members: Are there cases where you might regulary add many (10+) users to be members all at one time?
> I also see that group owners/sponsors now need to file a ticket with Fedora Infrastructure to add more sponsors. While this is doable, I think owners/sponsors should be able...
@nphilipp is this still something that we want?
@puiterwijk we will get working on this ASAP. Note too, (while not documentation, i know), there is the vagrant setup that sets up a freeipa server, installs the freeipa-fas plugin...
IMO, here on on the noggin side, what we should do is make sure noggin works properly (and doenst show the warnings) if the lasttoken plugin is disabled in freeipa....
Marking this as unconfirmed, as we aren't 100% sure how to proceed on this one.
Are we able to make this one an issue here in Noggin? AIUI, the need to have a firstname and a lastname is an IPA requirement, not a noggin one,...
so was the idea here to move all the docs to RTD? -- and not have them on bodhi.fp.o (or have the package)?