Ryan Lanciaux
Ryan Lanciaux
Do you mean like draggable resizing columns or through styling / CSS? [Edit: whoops meant to click `Comment` not `Close and Comment` :D]
> Happy to submit a pull request if you can point me in the direction of the docs site repo. That would be excellent! The docs repo is available here...
@aphillipo I'm sorry if I miscommunicated the state of this project. It is true that we are working to break apart the functionality into other modules (so rendering isn't so...
Oh you weren't being rude at all. You bring up a totally valid concern -- I just wanted to clarify because I realize I may have been less than clear...
We have a link to the 0.x docs on the home page but maybe we need to call it out a little more. https://griddlegriddle.github.io/v0-docs/ We're still finishing up the 0.x...
Hi everyone! It's great to share an interest in helping the community discover and contribute great events! I would love to hear what you're all thinking but wondering if "sharing"...
@szabgab Would we be okay to ingest this data into conferenceradar? I understand it’s all open-source but still want to verify before wholesale importing :D We totally welcome people using...
Hey @aaronsmulktis - thank you, that'd be excellent. I think it'd initially be great if some kind of plan for getting this to more modern version of React and from...
I'm also seeing this behavior on Safari. It's pretty strange because it's fairly intermittent that I encounter it, but when this happens, I see the camera start up for a...
This looks great! Thank you for adding it! I'm wondering if you're seeing this same thing that I am locally on running the `start` script ``` ERR! TypeError: Cannot read...