Ryan James Kennedy

Results 8 comments of Ryan James Kennedy

Some of gatk's germline cnv caller modules (PreprocessIntervals, CollectReadCounts, AnnotateIntervals, FilterIntervals) and the respective test files were added. Other modules (DetermineGermlineContigPloidy, GermlineCNVCaller, PostProcessGermlineCNVCalls) are unable to be tested as the...

It's not yet finished, I have changed it's status to a draft.

Upon attempting to run the test build locally before creation a PR using the following: ``` bioconda-utils build --packages resfinder --mulled-test ``` I got the following error: ``` ModuleNotFoundError: No...

After adding `pdm` to host requirements I got the following error: ``` ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pdm.pep517' ``` And now: ``` ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cgelib' ```

Hej, my issue is similar in the sense that I'm using the `tb-profiler` [singularity image](https://depot.galaxyproject.org/singularity/tb-profiler:4.4.2--pyh7cba7a3_0) to install/create the database. To do this, I ran the following: ``` singularity exec --bind...

Workaround was to clone the TBProfiler repository and pip install into a conda environment. It's just TBProfiler's latest release (and respective singularity image) doesn't contain the changes that fixed this...

Yeah exactly. The fix has been merged to the master branch, it just hasn't been released yet. Only releases can be added to [bioconda-recipes](https://github.com/bioconda/bioconda-recipes/blob/master/recipes/tb-profiler/meta.yaml) (which is used to build the...

Would also appreciate this:)