Ryan Roemer

Results 134 issues of Ryan Roemer

- [ ] Remove `.sails.yml` and all sails stuff - [ ] Add GH actions - [ ] Add a build badge to readme


How to get up and running in a python dev environment for this project - [ ] Getting a python version (OS-specific, or maybe `asdf`) - [ ] Use pipenv...


Latest build on RTD fails with https://readthedocs.org/builds/sphinx-bootstrap-theme/2886670/ Looks like needs Python 3, which we _can_ build in, but not entirely sure...


In updating `gh-pages`, I noticed these two new files: ``` # Untracked files: # (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed) # # _static/jquery-1.11.1.js # _static/underscore-1.3.1.js...

Also looks like it can fix the mobile navbar menu click issues that are currently hacked in the JS code. https://github.com/ftlabs/fastclick


GitHub has disabled downloads. Need a replacement for that installation method. Probably add as a build step to `gh-pages` and download straight from there (or something).


L321 breaks when in "dev mode" in IE8 for lack of wrapping `.forEach` with the `_` version with this error: ``` msg: Object doesn't support this property or method file:...

## OPTION 1: dogs - [ ] Add https://github.com/FormidableLabs/aws-lambda-dogs to this `LEARNING.md` as a place to review and try out. - [ ] Include instructions for creating a temporary branch,...


- [ ] LEARNING.md on what layers are, how they work at runtime (with locations), and maybe an exercise - [ ] Code comment additions too?


Things like: ```sh $ STAGE=sandbox aws-vault exec -- yarn tf:service:apply ``` Will hit errors like: ``` 14 errors occurred: * module.serverless_vpc.aws_iam_policy.developer: 1 error occurred: * aws_iam_policy.developer: Error creating IAM policy...