Saeid Nourian
Saeid Nourian
Hi @dukke This problem only occurs if with `-fx-color-label-visible: false` style: ``` ChoiceBox choiceBox = new ChoiceBox(FXCollections.observableArrayList("Hello")); ColorPicker colorPicker = new ColorPicker(); colorPicker.setStyle("-fx-color-label-visible: false;"); Scene scene = new Scene(new HBox(choiceBox,...
I did not apply any extra css style to the ColorPicker. The only code used to produce this screen is the code outlined above. If you haven't styled ColorPicker yet,...
oops, I just realized that you were asking me. Yes I did apply that single css style (-fx-color-label-visible) and yes that property is exclusively for ColorPicker. No other control supports...
Certainly. Where can I download the latest version from? I can't seem to find it here:
Unfortunately the problem still persists. The height changes as soon as the ColorPicker is clicked when running the short code above. Also I'm not sure if this release was supposed...
I'm using Java 1.8.0_241 With Javafx version that comes built in Java 8. Using IntelliJ IDE. Although same problem exists when running jar file outside of IDE. I use ant...
Ah nice! Avoiding `setAutomaticallyColorPanes(true)` worked! How do I use background constant? I tried `pane.setStyle(JMetroStyleClass.BACKGROUND)` but it didn't work.
Thank you that worked. One more problem though. If I apply the following css to get rid of X from all TextFields: ``` .text-field { -fx-skin: ""; } ``` I...
Fantastic. That worked, thank you!
Thanks very much for fixing the issues I reported previously. Both font and control size look great now. Also the white background issue is "almost" fixed. Here's the result I...