Ragnar Þór Valgeirsson

Results 4 comments of Ragnar Þór Valgeirsson

Good point! I'm wondering if the correct way to go about this would be to rename the `"cssExtension"` property to `"css"` and accept `false` as a value, in addition to...

Þetta er skemmtileg pæling. Það sem mér hefur samt fundist um svona útfærslur á sambærilegum prófum er að þetta er pínu skoðana myndandi. Manneskja er kannski með sína skoðun, sér...

As this document is also a "community-driven wiki" I don't see a problem with using MDN. Most libraries and frameworks reference it when talking about browser APIs in their docs,...

Yes I know about this error and I am working on a fix. It relates to the fact that jQuery has a built in method `.is()` which I overlooked completely...