Ryan Shipp

Results 15 issues of Ryan Shipp

Use this for testing: https://yeti-platform.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html Want an operator that can post arbitrary json to arbitrary endpoints, so people can add new integrations without writing any code. Base off of #23.

operator idea

For config-based keyword/regex extraction on existing sources.

artifact idea

source idea

I'm a little confused as to what this passage from [writing/structure](https://github.com/kennethreitz/python-guide/blob/master/docs/writing/structure.rst#modules) means. ``` Readability means to avoid useless boilerplate text and clutter, therefore some efforts are spent trying to achieve...

## 📝 Provide detailed reproduction steps (if any) Minimal example code Textarea schema definition: ```js schema.register( 'textArea', { isObject: true, allowAttributes: [ 'placeholder', 'aria-label', 'name' ], allowIn: [ '$root' ],...


Things that look like timestamps, and things like `1:6:0`, are getting through. If we can't improve the regex to catch these, maybe add a filter on the iterator?


Can we add batch delete options for tasks?


Thanks for making this plugin! It took me a while to realize `/path/to/statsd` was looking for the `node_modules` folder, not the path to a `statsd` executable or something, so I've...