Rick Shanor
Rick Shanor
Probably better to move forward with https://github.com/mmatl/urdfpy/pull/23
Thanks for the reply @nelfin I am using Python 3.6.9. I tried out Python 3.6.9 in a fresh venv and everything worked. I checked this venv which had protobuf version...
@FrancoisPicardDTI thanks for the reply, and this package! I am using a GigE camera attached to the end of a robot arm. Nothing is subscribing to the camera topic, I...
O ya, I am using Ros2. I can provide the other info later today.
Sorry for the delay. I am using Basler ace acA2440-20gc Color GigE Camera Here is the bit of code I added right around this line: https://github.com/basler/pylon-ros-camera/blob/galactic/pylon_ros2_camera_component/src/pylon_ros2_camera_node.cpp#L3910 ``` // Work around...
Hi @FrancoisPicardDTI So maybe this is all my fault based on another patch I applied... A few months back I added the following code so that the GrabImageAction does not...
Running with debug logging. I see `Sending service response` in the server logs but a long delay before `Action status taken` in the client logs. Client ``` [INFO] [1671659682.131745101] [call_grab_image_action]:...
And FWIW, I noticed the same behavior with **rmw_cyclonedds_cpp**
I just noticed that the server is leaking memory like crazy. When I take out the line `result.images.append(image_msg)`, I do not observe the leak. The below plot is over a...
Not sure. My ActionClient is initialized as follows, if it matters at all. ``` self._action_client = ActionClient( node, GrabImages, action_name, callback_group=MutuallyExclusiveCallbackGroup() ) ```