Ryan Christian

Results 344 comments of Ryan Christian

Sure, that is pretty common, however, that is not what this is. If you provide invalid credentials on that form your changes to the account aren't rejected. Instead, the credentials...

If that is supposed to be a way in which the user needs to provide their credentials to change their bio, image, or username, and only those, there will probably...

When you clone with `--mirror` you don't get a working tree. You've left out what git command you tried to use, but whatever it was, it's an invalid one when...

The JVM (which includes Scala) already is cross-platform, in fact, that's it's major selling point and has been since the 90's. Why would the tool be rewritten? What's the benefit...

Setup isn't easy? It's just installing the JRE. That's it. Edit: Even more importantly, WASM is for the browser. This is not a browser-based tool. That doesn't make sense.

How are people supposed to help? You haven't listed an issue.

Is it a Preact-CLI issue? You have various Webpack dependencies and a `webpack.config.js` sitting there. It's unclear whether you're using Webpack directly or using Preact-CLI.

@JoviDeCroock Should I transfer this back? @nmocruz It'd really help in that case to cut down your app to the minimal reproduction. It doesn't make much sense to have `preact-cli`...

That's totally fine, but you can probably imagine how maintainers might get confused? You say you use `npx webpack serve`, and yet your scripts don't show that at all: ```json...

> The [release of React 18](https://reactjs.org/blog/2022/03/29/react-v18.html) 29 Mar 2022 puts the latest version of React a fair way ahead of (or diverged from) Preact X, including several new hooks (e.g....