Ragnar Rova
Ragnar Rova
Maybe related to shrink-on-load in libjpeg-turbo: https://github.com/lovell/sharp/issues/883
A quick search in the jpackage source code does seem to indicate icns support: https://github.com/AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk-jdk/search?p=1&q=icns&unscoped_q=icns Also, the output of the jpackage tool mentions that I can use $appname.icns to customize...
``` $ /Users/rrj/jdk-14.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/jpackage --verbose --type app-image --dest /Users/rrj/ee/collabster/build/jpackage --name collabster --module-path /Users/rrj/ee/collabster/build/jlinkbase/jlinkjars --module collabster/se.rrva.collabster.CollabsterApp --runtime-image /Users/rrj/ee/collabster/build/image --icon src/main/resources/java.icns WARNING: Using incubator modules: jdk.incubator.jpackage Creating app package: collabster.app in /Users/rrj/ee/collabster/build/jpackage Using...
@senior7515 oh please noo this delays this even further, exactly what https://github.com/provectus/kafka-ui chose to answer when I made a PR there ;) The existing deserialization support is non-pluggable and until...
@weeco please reconsider this... has something happened on the plugin architecture which make this easy to add (how?) or could it be merged as-is?
thanks a lot! I understand your reservations. I'll try it and report back if there are any issues with it. I do not see it hurt the existing deserializer path...
@astubbs I can't figure out how to implement this workaround. Please provide a working example.
I see no big improvement using 9.3.4 pg_dump. Do you? I saw some additional patches in the old postgres-devel thread being revived due to your enquiry as well. sqlformat gives...
I define stale content as content for which the cache-control max-age has already expired, but it is to be kept in the cache anyway and served as a fallback if...