pratesh kumar reddy
pratesh kumar reddy
Solved: In , just replace line `with open(args.source_path, 'r') as source_file, open(args.target_path, 'w') as target_file:` with `with open(args.source_path, encoding='utf-8', mode='r') as source_file, open(args.target_path, encoding='utf-8', mode='w') as target_file:` The error...
I am facing the same issue of ``` "annot load image "/home/vca_ann/CNN/ANPR_CNN_1/dataset/voc_1/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/images/pos-255.png Couldn't open file: /home/vca_ann/CNN/ANPR_CNN_1/dataset/voc_1/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/labels/pos-255.txt ``` @TheMikeyR As suggested by you, I converted all the .jpg images to .png...
@jmcmahon994 Can u also show how your test.txt and train.txt files look like. And, in your file, shouldn't it be **names = NFPA/nfpa.names** instead of **names = NFPA/obj.names**
@ryokomy Seems to be an issue with train.txt and test.txt files. I've recreated them on my own and it worked. The default text files from seems to have some...
Hi @jamesdod could u find any solution for this slower fp16 when compared to fp32? I am also running Unet based architecture using MNN.. and fp16 model latency is almost...