Ryan Cross
Ryan Cross
Current month = no cache older months = long time
Example: ... From: RFC Errata System Cc: [email protected], Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 ... The Cc: value with a trailing comma causes a failure. To Reproduce: NO_REFOLD_POLICY = policy.SMTP.clone(refold_source='none') with open('path', 'rb')...
### Description It is useful to see what emails are associated with a Person, including inactive emails. They can be visually distinct from active emails ### Code of Conduct -...
### Describe the issue If a registrant switches registration type onsite -> remote, or vice-versa, a new MeetingRegistration record is created, resulting in two records for the person. The question...
### Description It would be helpful when tracking down issues with MeetingRegistration data if API calls are logged ### Code of Conduct - [X] I agree to follow the [IETF's...
### Describe the issue The cancel field is not being sent or recognized ### Code of Conduct - [X] I agree to follow the [IETF's Code of Conduct](https://github.com/ietf-tools/.github/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
### Description There is a request to update meeting registration to provide the option to show pronouns on badges. If the user has already defined pronouns in Datatracker, it would...
Internal Server Error: /arch/ajax/messages/ ValueError at /arch/ajax/messages/ invalid literal for int() with base 10: '33\'"' Request Method: GET Request URL: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/ajax/messages/?browselist=rps&direction=next&index=&q=the&qid=&referenceid=1234921&referenceitem=33'%22
The following external lists, which no longer receive new messages, have spam that needs to be removed: itu+ietf krb-wg nntpext pwot secsh sming (all) tn3270e (all) webdav