Ryan Cross
Ryan Cross
The sort widgets have two arrows to indicate the sort (ascending or descending), they should be solid bold when sort is applied.
The stats/msg_counts and stats/subscriber_counts endpoint URLs are missing trailing slashes. So the sample curl command doesn't work, the server sends a 301.
The message detail page has the same three icons as the message detail pane of the search results window. One of these icons is a link to the message detail...
During the "new" Mail Archive deployment, messages not included in the legacy MHonArc web archive were excluded from the archive. (saved to _filtered). A recent RT issue reported missing archives...
There is a signal handler for this but there are reports it isn't working. Also make sure attachment URLs are purged.
After 08-25-2022, when the postconfirm Archived-At issues was fixed for the second time, there are still a few messages that have incorrect Archived-At headers, though far less than was happening...
MAILMAN ARCHIVE FAILURE emails, prior to 5/26/22, had the incoming filename in the email text, assisting with resolving the issue. Now emails just have: Message Details: (not available)