Roy Macdonald

Results 19 issues of Roy Macdonald

Hi Kyle, hope you're doing well. I found a bug in the morphological thinning algo. Check this screenshot ![screen shot 2016-01-19 at 15 00 33]( Probably when using it on...

Hi, I'm almost finished with a new chapter about ofEvents. The PR for it is It needs some proof reading, anyone willing to do so is very welcome. There...

Hey guys, I was teaching OF earlier this year at OF Course in Shanghai and I wrote a piece regarding pixels and images. I know that there's Golan's image...

Hey Pato! Really nice lib. I guess that the instructions you put in the README are for linux, right? I compiled it on macos but I needed to do a...

Hey chris, hope you are doing well. I also have an addon for dlib. mine is ofxDLib and your´s ofxDlib. I think that we could integrate both and have just...

Hi, I must say that your addon is quite impressive. There are a ton of features that I really like. Although, It is not able to render correctly when using...

Hi Jason, hope you're doing well. Thanks for this addon. Its been super helpful. Although I am not able to record. The recording example would throw a segfault when trying...

- ofxBox2dRect: added get and set rectangle functions. - ofxBox2dCircle: added getRect() function. - ofxBox2dBaseShape: using ofIsFloatEqual to check float value equality. Recalculating mass data when setting density.

Hi, I just tried to test your addon on macos 10.12 with xcode 8.3.2 I did not have xcpretty installed so I had to using `gem install xcpretty`. You might...