
Results 13 issues of roulendz

Inside FC docs there is option for events like **Multiple Resources** ``` events: [ { id: '1', resourceIds: ['a', 'b'], title: 'Meeting', start: '2015-02-14' } ] ``` [Full calendar Dods](

When registering trough built in Laravel registration no role is attached to user! What would be the bast way and where add it so role would be attached to user...

Wanted to ask, what would be best way to impliment this? now I am using helpers.php where I check what is route, and if route = request I return active...

I can not figue out how to filter eloquent relationships. I have event, inside witch I have school_id, lesson_id, student_id. And I want to be able to filter, event.lesson.title, or...


Hello, awesome people, ``` @extends('layouts.app_backend') @section('Specific-Page-Vendor-CSS') @stop @section('content') List of Users @endsection @section('scripts') new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { columns: [ 'name', 'nickname', 'email', 'birthdate', 'gender', '__actions' ], itemActions: [...

How to change the default port?

For what blind lengths other people use 28BYJ-48 12v? Because I have 2.4m long blackout blinds, and wondering if it will work. 🤔 Thank you.

not a bug

Hello, thanks for the awesome plugin. Any plans adding .webp format?

help wanted
response needed

Any plans to update Toolbox to be compatable with OC3.1, at the moment, many conflicts with Rainlab.Translate plugin, because off many changes, from version 1.x to version 2.x regarding Multisete....

It could be really good, if you could impliment this with L5.3 notifications. And write some documentation, how to use it. Thanks