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Feature request: Logging like ros2 node.get_logger()
A ROS2 node provides a handy interface for log messages. Something like node.get_logger().info(). You all know we can view these messages in rqt and other tools.
It seems that such a function is not availabe in micro-ros
BR Patrick
see previous ticket: https://github.com/micro-ROS/rclc/issues/77 see also: https://github.com/micro-ROS/rclc/issues/75 @PaddyCube We are transferring all tickets/PR to ros2/rclc repository. The micro-ros organization shall only be used for feature branches based on ros2/rclc. That's why I created this ticket on ros2/rclc and closed your ticket on micro-ros/rclc.
Meanwhile I tried to publish to rosout topic by myself but I had no luck.
#include <rcl_interfaces/msg/log.h>
rcl_publisher_t publisher_log;
rcl_interfaces__msg__Log msgLog;
// create publisher
ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT(rcl_interfaces, msg, Log),
msgLog.level = rcl_interfaces__msg__Log__INFO;
msgLog.name.data = (char *)"ESP32 ";
msgLog.name.size = strlen(msgLog.name.data);
msgLog.msg.data = (char *)"Hello World";
msgLog.msg.size = strlen(msgLog.msg.data);
RCSOFTCHECK(rcl_publish(&publisher_log, &msgLog, NULL));
Everything compiles without any warning and I'm able to flash. During execution, it fails when creating the publisher with this error message
[ERROR] [0000000002.693165000] [rclc]: [rclc_publisher_init_default] Error in rcl_publisher_init: error not set
Any ideas of what's going wrong?
does not print out the error message. You could add in the next line
RCLC_WARN(rclc, rcl_publish)
both arguments are arbitrary literals. This will output the error message set by the rclc_publisher_init_default()
and reset it again.
Or print out the error message yourself using rcutils_get_error_string().str
and reset the error message string with rcl_reset_error();
as in the macro.
Do you have a link to your application code? As I don't see the entire setup code, just two thoughts:
- do you initialize ROS context (like in this example)?
- do you use multiple threads? (please keep in mind XRCE-DDS supports only single threaded usage)
Does it works with any other topic name that is not rosout
Does it works with any other topic name that is not
It doesn't make any difference if I change it to something else.
Could you share the whole demo code to replicate it?
does not print out the error message. You could add in the next lineRCLC_WARN(rclc, rcl_publish)
https://github.com/ros2/rclc/blob/1b8d45a0bb63704e5aab91f3eeb7530cff414318/rclc/include/rclc/types.h#L56both arguments are arbitrary literals. This will output the error message set by the
and reset it again. Or print out the error message yourself usingrcutils_get_error_string().str
and reset the error message string withrcl_reset_error();
as in the macro.Do you have a link to your application code? As I don't see the entire setup code, just two thoughts:
- do you initialize ROS context (like in this example)?
- do you use multiple threads? (please keep in mind XRCE-DDS supports only single threaded usage)
I tried to get a more detailled error message like you mentioned but it doesn't enlight anything to me.
// // create publisher
ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT(rcl_interfaces, msg, Log),
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Error: %s", rcutils_get_error_string().str);
W (2438) Ardumower: microROS agent connected
UDP mode => ip: - port: 8888
[ERROR] [0000000009.288699000] [rclc]: [rclc_publisher_init_default] Error in rcl_publisher_init: error not set
Failed status on line 137: 1. Aborting.
W (2548) Ardumower: Error: error not set
[INFO] [0000000009.298169000] []: Created a timer with period 1000 ms.
I'm using two tasks but all ROS related things are runnig inside the same task. Currently, I use one task to monitor all incoming uart traffic and place this into a queue. ROS task observes this queue and publishes all messages as string message.
I use a timer to publish messages to rosout just for testing. Without using this publisher, the entire code works.
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "freertos/queue.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "esp_system.h"
extern "C"
#include <uros_network_interfaces.h>
#include <rcl/rcl.h>
#include <rcl/error_handling.h>
#include <std_msgs/msg/int32.h>
#include <std_msgs/msg/string.h>
#include <rcl_interfaces/msg/log.h>
#include <rclc/rclc.h>
#include <rclc/executor.h>
#include <rmw_uros/options.h>
#include "uxr/client/config.h"
#include "driver/gpio.h"
#include "sdkconfig.h"
#include "uart_task.h"
extern "C"
void app_main(void);
static const char *TAG = "Ardumower";
QueueHandle_t uartQueue = NULL;
QueueHandle_t inboundMessageQueue = NULL;
// ROS Definitions
#define RCCHECK(fn) \
{ \
rcl_ret_t temp_rc = fn; \
if ((temp_rc != RCL_RET_OK)) \
{ \
printf("Failed status on line %d: %d. Aborting.\n", __LINE__, (int)temp_rc); \
} \
#define RCSOFTCHECK(fn) \
{ \
rcl_ret_t temp_rc = fn; \
if ((temp_rc != RCL_RET_OK)) \
{ \
printf("Failed status on line %d: %d. Continuing.\n", __LINE__, (int)temp_rc); \
} \
rcl_publisher_t publisher_int32;
rcl_publisher_t publisher_string;
rcl_publisher_t publisher_log;
std_msgs__msg__Int32 msgInt;
std_msgs__msg__String msgStr;
rcl_interfaces__msg__Log msgLog;
void timer_callback(rcl_timer_t *timer, int64_t last_call_time)
if (timer != NULL)
RCSOFTCHECK(rcl_publish(&publisher_int32, &msgInt, NULL));
msgInt.data = msgInt.data + 5;
msgLog.level = rcl_interfaces__msg__Log__INFO;
msgLog.name.data = (char *)"ESP32 ";
msgLog.name.size = strlen(msgLog.name.data);
msgLog.msg.data = (char *)"Hello World";
msgLog.msg.size = strlen(msgLog.msg.data);
RCSOFTCHECK(rcl_publish(&publisher_log, &msgLog, NULL));
void micro_ros_task(void *arg)
rcl_allocator_t allocator = rcl_get_default_allocator();
rclc_support_t support;
rcl_init_options_t init_options = rcl_get_zero_initialized_init_options();
RCCHECK(rcl_init_options_init(&init_options, allocator));
rmw_init_options_t *rmw_options = rcl_init_options_get_rmw_init_options(&init_options);
// Static Agent IP and port can be used instead of autodisvery.
//RCCHECK(rmw_uros_options_set_udp_address(CONFIG_MICRO_ROS_AGENT_IP, CONFIG_MICRO_ROS_AGENT_PORT, rmw_options));
if ((strlen(CONFIG_MICRO_ROS_AGENT_IP) != 0) && (CONFIG_MICRO_ROS_AGENT_PORT != 0) && (strcmp(CONFIG_MICRO_ROS_AGENT_IP, "-") != 0))
while (rmw_uros_options_set_udp_address(
while (rmw_uros_discover_agent(rmw_options) != RCL_RET_OK)
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "microROS agent not found");
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "microROS agent connected");
// create init_options
RCCHECK(rclc_support_init_with_options(&support, 0, NULL, &init_options, &allocator));
// create node
rcl_node_t node;
RCCHECK(rclc_node_init_default(&node, "esp32_int32_publisher", "", &support));
// create publisher
ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT(std_msgs, msg, Int32),
// create publisher
ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT(std_msgs, msg, String),
// // create publisher
ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT(rcl_interfaces, msg, Log),
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Error: %s", rcutils_get_error_string().str);
// create timer,
rcl_timer_t timer;
const unsigned int timer_timeout = 1000;
// create executor
rclc_executor_t executor;
RCCHECK(rclc_executor_init(&executor, &support.context, 1, &allocator));
RCCHECK(rclc_executor_add_timer(&executor, &timer));
msgInt.data = 0;
uint8_t *data = (uint8_t *)malloc(BUF_SIZE);
while (1)
if (inboundMessageQueue != NULL)
if (xQueueReceive(inboundMessageQueue, data, (TickType_t)(10)) == pdPASS)
//ESP_LOGI(TAG, "data avaialble");
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "ros2: %s", data);
msgStr.data.data = (char *)data;
//msgStr.data.size = BUF_SIZE;
//msgStr.data.data = "Hello from micro-ROS ";
msgStr.data.size = strlen(msgStr.data.data);
RCSOFTCHECK(rcl_publish(&publisher_string, &msgStr, NULL));
rclc_executor_spin_some(&executor, RCL_MS_TO_NS(1));
// free resources
RCCHECK(rcl_publisher_fini(&publisher_int32, &node));
RCCHECK(rcl_publisher_fini(&publisher_string, &node));
RCCHECK(rcl_publisher_fini(&publisher_log, &node));
void app_main(void)
// Start the networking if required
// Create Queue to transform received UART messages
inboundMessageQueue = xQueueCreate(20, BUF_SIZE);
//pin micro-ros task in APP_CPU to make PRO_CPU to deal with wifi:
// UART monitor Task
xTaskCreate(uart_task, "uart_task", UART_TASK_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 20, NULL);
Are you using the micro_ros_espidf_component?
Make sure that you are building the library with enough static memory allocations: https://github.com/micro-ROS/micro_ros_espidf_component/blob/dac6f808f059e40a11d9e210ff20512a106474ac/colcon.meta#L39
If you are using micro_ros_setup check your app-colcon.meta
Thank you for your support. You can find the entire code here https://github.com/PaddyCube/ArdumowerROS/tree/Development/Code/esp32
You're right, I'm using esp-idf components. I wasn't aware that there is a limitation of publishers set to 1. It was working with two publishers anyway. Why was this possible?
What is the overall limit of publishers and subscribers? My robot sends lot of information about different sensors at different intervalls (50ms and up to 5 sec). Also it raises events like bumper hit, cliff sensors and others, which I need to publish to ROS2.
I wanted to use different messages and publishers for this. Does it mean it is not feasable with micro-ros?
Are you using the micro_ros_espidf_component?
Make sure that you are building the library with enough static memory allocations: https://github.com/micro-ROS/micro_ros_espidf_component/blob/dac6f808f059e40a11d9e210ff20512a106474ac/colcon.meta#L39
If you are using micro_ros_setup check your app-colcon.meta
I tried to increase the max_publishers to 10 but it doesn't make any difference
Please detail which build system are you using and detail the process of rebuilding because in some cases you need to clean some files to have a complete rebuild.
We are getting closer
I'm using idf.py at ESP-IDF v4.3-dev-2586-g526f68239 and did a idf.py clean and idf.py build again.
Now I'm able to create a publisher, yeah. But now it fails as soon as I try to publish a message. I'm doing it this way:
void timer_callback(rcl_timer_t *timer, int64_t last_call_time)
if (timer != NULL)
RCSOFTCHECK(rcl_publish(&publisher_int32, &msgInt, NULL));
msgInt.data = msgInt.data + 5;
char *messageLog = "Hello world";
char *messageName = "ESP32";
msgLog.level = rcl_interfaces__msg__Log__INFO;
msgLog.name.data = messageName;
msgLog.name.size = strlen(msgLog.name.data);
msgLog.msg.data = messageLog;
msgLog.msg.size = strlen(msgLog.msg.data);
RCSOFTCHECK(rcl_publish(&publisher_log, &msgLog, NULL));
and get this errors which causes ESP32 to reboot
Guru Meditation Error: Core 0 panic'ed (LoadProhibited). Exception was unhandled.
Core 0 register dump:
PC : 0x400014fd PS : 0x00060030 A0 : 0x800dd90c A1 : 0x3ffd23f0
A2 : 0x00000000 A3 : 0xfffffffc A4 : 0x000000ff A5 : 0x0000ff00
A6 : 0x00ff0000 A7 : 0xff000000 A8 : 0x00000000 A9 : 0x3ffd23b0
A10 : 0x00000001 A11 : 0x00000001 A12 : 0x00000001 A13 : 0x00000028
A14 : 0x0000000c A15 : 0x00000000 SAR : 0x00000000 EXCCAUSE: 0x0000001c
EXCVADDR: 0x00000000 LBEG : 0x400014fd LEND : 0x4000150d LCOUNT : 0xffffffff
Backtrace:0x400014fa:0x3ffd23f0 0x400dd909:0x3ffd2400 0x400d98b6:0x3ffd2420 0x400dc530:0x3ffd2440 0x400d96ed:0x3ffd2490 0x400d8836:0x3ffd24b0 0x400e1965:0x3ffd24d0 0x400d9cb5:0x3ffd2510 0x400da790:0x3ffd2d30 0x400d8a29:0x3ffd5600 0x4008b951:0x3ffd5710
0x400dd909: ucdr_serialize_string at ??:?
0x400d98b6: _Log__cdr_serialize at log__type_support_c.c:?
0x400dc530: rmw_publish at ??:?
0x400d96ed: rcl_publish at ??:?
0x400d8836: timer_callback(rcl_timer_t*, long long) at /home/ros/esp32/ArdumowerMircoRos/build/../main/app_main.cpp:79 (discriminator 3)
0x400e1965: rcl_timer_call at ??:?
0x400d9cb5: _rclc_execute at executor.c:?
0x400da790: rclc_executor_spin_some at ??:?
0x400d8a29: micro_ros_task(void*) at /home/ros/esp32/ArdumowerMircoRos/build/../main/app_main.cpp:178
0x4008b951: vPortTaskWrapper at /home/ros/esp32/esp-idf/components/freertos/port/xtensa/port.c:168
Ok, I have not replicated the issue but I have seen that the rcl_interfaces__msg__Log
has these members:
typedef struct rcl_interfaces__msg__Log
builtin_interfaces__msg__Time stamp;
uint8_t level;
rosidl_runtime_c__String name;
rosidl_runtime_c__String msg;
rosidl_runtime_c__String file;
rosidl_runtime_c__String function;
uint32_t line;
} rcl_interfaces__msg__Log;
In micro-ROS by now you need to init all the members (at least string and sequences) in order to serialize correctly. So try to init also file
and function
at least as empty strings.
Let me know if this solves the issue.
Hello pablogs9,
thank you for all your support. This did the trick. For anyone who asks this, here all neccessary steps:
Include Log message
#include <rcl_interfaces/msg/log.h>
Create publisher
rcl_publisher_t publisher_log;
ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT(rcl_interfaces, msg, Log),
Publish message
rcl_interfaces__msg__Log msgLog;
msgLog.level = rcl_interfaces__msg__Log__INFO;
msgLog.name.data = "ESP32";
msgLog.name.size = strlen(msgLog.name.data);
msgLog.msg.data = "Hello world";
msgLog.msg.size = strlen(msgLog.msg.data);
msgLog.file.data = "";
msgLog.file.size = strlen(msgLog.file.data);
msgLog.function.data = "";
msgLog.function.size = strlen(msgLog.function.data);
msgLog.line = NULL;
RCSOFTCHECK(rcl_publish(&publisher_log, &msgLog, NULL));
Output of ros2 topic echo /rosout
sec: 0
nanosec: 0
level: 20
name: ESP32
msg: Hello world
file: ''
function: ''
line: 0
As are limited in count of Publishers, it might doesn't make sense to include this functionality as part of rclc by default.
I think that we should think about integrating this along the rclc/rcl in order to get a logging interface like ROS 2.
Which user API will you expect to have @PaddyCube? Which kind of tracing info should the inner layers send?
Hello, I think I'm not able to answer this question. I'm not familiar with micro-ros neither rcl. In best case, we get some macro or function like a ros2 node provides by using mynode.get_logger().Info() or similar.
I also don't understand what you mean with tracing info of inner layer. In my opinion, it should send these information:
- type of log info (info, debug, warn, error, fatal)
- source (name of node)
- message itself
Now that some time has passed: @pablogs9: would https://github.com/ros2/rclc/issues/55#issuecomment-790354834 still be the best/most straightforward way for a micro-ROS application to log to rosout
Or would it be possible to rely on rcutils_logging_*(..)
and rcutils_log(..)
to do the right thing (and automagically log to rosout
as well)?
Now that some time has passed: @pablogs9: would https://github.com/ros2/rclc/issues/55#issuecomment-790354834 still be the best/most straightforward way for a micro-ROS application to log to rosout?
That's it
None of the functionality in rcutils
can be used?
Edit: what about implementing a package which provides an implementation of rcl_logging and setting RCL_LOGGING_IMPLEMENTATION
None of the functionality in rcutils can be used?
I should recheck this, but if I remember well, most of the logging functionality is removed in micro-ROS's rcutils due to the abuse of dynamic memory in string handling. Check here: https://github.com/micro-ROS/rcutils/commits/humble
Edit: what about implementing a package which provides an implementation of rcl_logging and setting RCL_LOGGING_IMPLEMENTATION?
This should be possible.
I should recheck this, but if I remember well, most of the logging functionality is removed in micro-ROS's rcutils due to the abuse of dynamic memory in string handling. Check here: https://github.com/micro-ROS/rcutils/commits/humble
IIUC, you're mostly referring to these changes to error_handling.h
, correct?
Ok, so rcutils
is out -- not too important for me.
I'm struggling a bit trying to understand how rcl/logging.h
and rcl/logging_rosout.h
are/could be involved.
, getting rosout
enabled seems to go through rcl_logging_rosout_init(..)
, via rcl_logging_configure_with_output_handler(..)
, via rcl_logging_configure(..)
Should I be able to call rcl_logging_configure(..)
after getting hold of a suitably initialised rcl_arguments_t
instance (which I have I believe https://github.com/micro-ROS/micro_ros_setup/discussions/557)?
There don't appear to be any #ifdef
s in micro-ROS/rcl
which block this.
Edit: rcl_node_init(..)
seems to call rcl_logging_rosout_init_publisher_for_node(..)
if rosout
logging is enabled and rcl_node_options_t::enable_rosout
is true
-- which it is by default (rcl_node_get_default_options()
@pablogs9: I'm obviously missing something, as it doesn't look like the rosout
sink is being created.
Edit 2: calling rcl_logging_configure(..)
does indeed create the sink.
It doesn't appear to be publishing anything though.
Edit 3: afaict, rcutils
(which is a no-op due to RCUTILS_NO_FILESYSTEM:ON
), then subsequently calls the g_rcutils_logging_output_handler
(which should have been set by rcl_logging_configure(..)
Eidt 4: I've verified rcutils_log(..) gets called. Somehow only the console sink gets the message. I'm not sure why yet.
Ok, for platforms where RCL_LOGGING_ENABLED=ON
is acceptable, the following will enable logging to rosout
(so things like rqt_console
receive your log msgs):
rcl_node_options_t node_options = rcl_node_get_default_options();
// it's not absolutely necessary to call rcl_parse_arguments(..) here, as
// logging to 'rosout' is enabled by default in 'rcl_node_options_t'
rcl_logging_configure_with_output_handler(..., rcl_logging_multiple_output_handler);
rclc_node_init_with_options(..., &node_options);
at this point, calls to RCUTILS_LOG_INFO_NAMED(...)
et al. will result in msgs on /rosout
(in addition to stdout
logging, if that exists).
I believe this is essentially the (minimum) sequence of functions client libraries also call to enable logging. I've probably missed some documentation which explains this.
Note: probably because I've not initialised something, calls to RCUTILS_LOG_*(...)
(so not the NAMED
variants) won't work, as the name
argument passed is NULL
. rcl_logging_rosout_output_handler
does not like that and will drop your log msg.
when building (with X
one of the log levels), otherwise the logging macros get no-opped.