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A library for integrating depth images into Truncated Signed Distance Fields.
As of December 2022 with the release of CUDA 12.0, the texture binding API that was deprecated in CUDA 11.3 was removed entirely and so yak no longer compiled on...
_Originally posted by @yyxr75 in https://github.com/ros-industrial/yak_ros/issues/19#issuecomment-590036167_ > It looks like you're not building Yak, which is the underlying TSDF library that `yak_ros` uses. You will need to clone Yak into...
Has any thought been put into this? I have no experience with OpenCL but from what I know it would have several advantages primarily allowing yak to run on multiple...
Right now Yak has a code coverage metric of zero percent (profoundly shameful!). I think that seeing a reminder of that for every PR would be a good incentive to...
Currently the Docker images used for CI are defined by Dockerfiles within the `yak` repo and hosted on [my personal Docker Hub repo](https://hub.docker.com/r/schornakj/yak-1/tags), which isn't a good long-term situation. It...
Some overlap with [`yak_ros` issue #34](https://github.com/ros-industrial/yak_ros/issues/34).
The switch away from the older FindCUDA module (e.g. `cuda_add_library()`, etc.) to CMake's newer CUDA first-class language support apparently introduced an issue where Yak builds without errors and runs without...
Hi, **Issue description:** Hi, I'm trying to run the Yak_ros demo on my newly purchased PC with RTX 3070 GPU. According to the ReadMe file of "Yak" and "Yak_ros", the...
The PR adds the ability to move the TSDF volume without needing a new tf frame. Goes with https://github.com/ros-industrial/yak_ros/pull/51 in yak_ros
Thanks for your nice work! I wonder the meaning of [world_to_camera](https://github.com/ros-industrial/yak/blob/devel/yak/src/yak_server.cpp#L15). To put it bluntly, whether world_to_camera transform a point in camera frame to world frame, or vice versa. If...