Pierre Ronceray
Pierre Ronceray
Ow... Too bad. Do you have anything more specific than "tweaking their graphic card driver and configuration"? I'm no developer...
Indeed this is discussed here: #25 I will try. Thanks Payam.
Hi! So, I've been trying... without success so far. As before, a black ribbon (more 2/3 of the display than the 1/3rd mentioned before) obstructs my view. Updating the Nvidia...
PS: that's gotta be the dirtiest possible workaround, but by changing my display settings to "portrait" and making blender full screen, I now have a full height view on the...
Hi! Just a quick update: I'm now trying - without success so far - to identify the part of the code that sets the size of the oculus rendered screen....
Fingers crossed, Dalai! And same, thanks for the great work. I'm hoping to use this to show my research data at conferences and poster sessions, it's mindblowing... I just hope...
From Michael: > Getting the same black ribbons on a DK2 / Win10 / GTX1060 So maybe you'll be able to reproduce with DK2 after all?
Actually what matters is not the screen resolution, but the size of the blender window: having it full screen in 1920*1080 makes the black line quite small. Best solution so...
Hi Eric, Nothing new on my end I'm afraid... I'm still using Blender VR from time to time (with the black ribbon) but I don't have the programming skills to...
Hi Haotian, Thanks, indeed! This manual is pretty outdated, I am currently preparing a big new version of SFI that will include an update of it (as well as many...