Rom Grk

Results 294 comments of Rom Grk

Damn competition. To be honest, I don't have much time and don't use nvim's LSP so I have doubts that I'll gather enough motivation to implement it soon, but I'd...

I have no interest/bandwidth for this feature, but I would accept a well written PR. It would probably be better to implement a generic custom section component, and let the...

It's there to create a visual separation in cases where the inactive bg color is the same as the fill region bg color. I'd rather keep it if possible. We...

Haven't had time to work on this lately. If you wanna take a jab at it you can pay with:

Oooh and the separator is hardcoded as `'/'`, it needs to be changed for a variable that depends on the OS, that's why it's so ugly for you. Edit: does...

Still can't reproduce on my setup. I'll keep the issue open and might give it another look eventually but I have too much work to tell when I'll be able...