In SSLWorld.cpp the geometry is generated. The centre of each line is corrected by amount of LineThickness, however, in SSL-vision this does not happen. Not sure which one to take,...
I have been looking at the class camera_calibration a lot lately and I was wondering what the reason was to go for a camera distortion model which only incorporates one...
I recently performed some tests for Presolving on SCIP's master branch and observed a significant performance regression for Papilo from 2.1 to 2.3. In general, the Papilo plugin seems to...
Highs currently fails to read the MIPLIB 2017 collection instance "rvb-sub". The issue appears to be that the free format incorrectly classifies the file as not fixable, even though the...
Fixes #1860 Fixes a bug where the free format mps reader incorrectly classifies a fixed format mps file as not readible.